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Travel is the best form of education
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No book, teacher, assignment, or test is going to teach you the feeling of going on an adventure to different places all over the world. The only way you will get that feeling of excitement and emotion of what you are seeing is to physically be there.
Traveling provides you with the ability to learn different languages, cultures, history, and how to interact with others from all around the world. Not only do you learn about the place, but it also teaches you about yourself and how to become more independent. Experiencing the world outside of a classroom and textbook, changes the perspective on how people view these different things. A book or even the internet can only teach you so much about cultures and history, and it can’t truly portray the beauty of each and every place.
Traveling really is the best form of education.
Our scratch off maps makes it easy to keep track of where you’ve been in a fun and engaging way. Simply, scratch over the state or park you’ve been to reveal the image. It is perfect for families or individuals who love to travel and note where they’ve been. The national parks poster makes it easy to find a location you want to visit while the national parks scratch off map lets you reveal the image behind it after you get back from your trip.
While choosing a map we stick to the United States especially in the times of COVID, where it has made it difficult to travel outside of the US. Reveal the beauties of all 50 states by scratching off each state after you visit!
Not only are these maps fun and make great gifts or decorations, but they also plant a tree for each one bought!
You can find our National Park Scratch Off Maps HERE and our America the Beautiful Scratch Off Maps HERE.
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